Ljubljana by Private Jet

Welcome to the modest, small but sincere city, Ljubljana that is settled in the heart of Europe. Grotesque architecture located in the lush areas are finished with Ljubljana River. While going deeper in the city which is the capital of Slovenia, you can experience calmness during your ordinary walk of the day. You can hear Slovenian a lot while you get lost in the streets; but it is likely you to hear Italian, Hungarian & Croatian due to its local closeness. Visitors are bonded with two separate regions called old & new at Ljubljana JozePucnik Airport.

Ljubljana by Private Jet

Private Flight to Slovenia

To look down on the city, you should be at Ljubljana Castle. At the height of 375 meters, the castle hosts different events during the year. The drawbridge that still retains a lot from the war period, is one of the many bridges of Ljubljana. Due to the river flows in the middle of the city, famous bridges such as Zmajski Most &Tromostovje are built back in the history. The bridges offer impressive landscapes at sunsets on top of connecting different districts of the city. The most verdant place among other landscapes is Park Tivoli. Besides a pond that is located in the park, in the north, there is a museum called Modern Slovenia History Museum. The museum tones in with the city with its baroque style.

Ljubljana by Private Jet

Private Jet Charters to Europe

Ljubljana JozePucnik, which is located 24 km far from the city center, is where you can land your private jet. In 1963, the airport is officially put into service and serving to the city since then. The expansion plans that started in 2017 result in the increase of passenger capacity from 500 to 1300 per hour; but there is an FBO which keeps privileged private jet passengers from the crowd. There is a private car park that your private car can wait for you, while you are resting in VIP areas and shopping from shops in FBO.

Taking a trip to the heart of baroque & grotesque architecture and nature & calmness is easier than ever by Avione Jet. As long as you inform us about your planned travel dates & demands, we are taking you to Ljubljana in the most comfortable & reliable way. For further information, you can contact our executive at any time via phone or e-mail.